Project Name
Install & Distmantle Scaffolding For Offshore Maintenance Activity
JOB Pertamina Petrochina Salawati
Offshore Kepala Burung Petrochina Salawati
Scope of Work
Provision Scaffolding Tubular BS1139 Services Including Design, Calculation, Trial and instalallation.
Time Frame
Januari – Februari 2018
Project Scaffolding Lepas Pantai (Offshore) yang berlokasi di JOB Petrochina Salawati,
proyek ini meliputi scaffolding design, trial dan installation untuk menggantung BOP seberat 20 Ton dengan ketinggian 20 m
The project is to provide the full scaffolding tubular services to hanging the the BOP (Blow Out Preventer) @ offshore facilities.
The scaffolding team should be very fit to perform the job as well, they have to well experienced in offshore and passed/ the Basic Sea Survivor Training (BOSIET).
Before the Job is executed we need to propose the design, calculation and trial that the scaffolding structure will not be fail in the site.
The wind factor also should be consider to prevent any impact to the design.
Alhamdulillah congrats, the project is well done without any accident.